Monday, 23 July 2007

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

I haven't posted in a while, even though there have been many interesting things happening - it's becuase I'm lazy!

Don't expect me to remember what happened a month ago, because I normally can't remember what happened a day ago... what was I on about?

3 things have happened to me in the last 3 days. No wait, 4 things. First I finished school :D, then I went to see HP:OOtP, then I joined the Esolangs wiki, then I got HP:DH (although I haven't read it yet).

And that's about it... boring, really. I need Heroes to come back - Soon!


Friday, 29 June 2007


I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored. I am bored...

Yeah. So basically, I am bored. Hopefully when Heroes comes back, or something interesting happens, I will feel obliged to post here. But not now...


Saturday, 16 June 2007

Again, *yawn*

Exams took place this week. Not very nice.

Just went to see Fantastic 4 - RotSS. It was cheesy, but quite good.

I liked the Silver Surfer. And the scene at the end, with Galactus.

That's pretty much everything interesting in the last week.


Saturday, 9 June 2007



Exams begin next week >:(


Need sleep.


Nothing much to talk about.


Saturday, 2 June 2007

Football and Pirates...

I haven't posted in a while. No reason. Just 'cause I'm lazy.

But anyway, the other day I went to go and see POTC3:ALE, that is, the third Pirates of the Caribbean film. It was OK. A bit long, but generally quite fun.

Also, my brother got Mario Strikers Charged Football. Of course, I don't like football, but this isn't really a football game, and it's very fun. It also has the advantage of being the first online wi-fi game on the Wii. Nice.

My posts from now on will be vaguely bland, as there will be no Heroes, and I don't really care about much else.


Sunday, 27 May 2007

Heaven, and having to brush my teeth with my left hand...

Last night was one of the best nights I've ever had - It definitely earns a high 9s or even a 10.

This is because I went to see G4 on their Farewell Tour. Let's just say it was AWESOME.

We started off with a support act, Shayan Italia. He was the worst thing I have ever heard, full stop.

But then G4 came on, and it all seemed worth it. They sang all their best songs.

At one point they walked down the aisles, and I shook Matt's hand as they passed, hence having to brush my teeth with my left hand - It was perfection.

I had an awesome night. And I bought a T-Shirt.



Friday, 25 May 2007

Finally! and Towels...

I finished school for a week today. Finally. Now I can get some rest. Finally. And Relax. Finally. And... well, you get the point. I need some sleep desperately.

*falls asleep*




*wakes up* Woah, how long was I out? Or more likely, how long did I take to type those ellipses?

Anyway, things I did this week, because I am too lazy to go into into detail about them... watch the season finale of Heroes (9.4), have Tom and Olly round to my house (7.7), Towel Day! (8.5), and my Games lesson (minus several million).

Yeah, it was Towel Day today, in memory of Douglas Adams. And also Universal Day of the Jedi... I took my towel into school, looked like an idiot, had a good time.

Wel. You can probably tell that I'm exhausted.

G'night! (Even though I'm not going to bed yet...)


Monday, 21 May 2007

...and the Dvorak comes in the niiiiiiiight!...

...or something like that. This post is about the nomic card game, Dvorak. I had seen it a few times before, ignored it, and gone on living my normal life.

But then everything changed... I looked it up again, a week and a bit ago, and this time it became a more serious affair...

I examined it some more - looked at the rules, scanned over some already made decks.

I made my own deck, Heroes as always, and took it into school.

That was when it started... Now people have started creating their own decks...

A Red Dwarf deck, an Angel deck, a Superhero deck...

Now it's everywhere... I don't know what to do... I fear I have started something... Sinister... maybe the next Yu-gi-oh... HELP ME, HELP ME, I'VE GOT DVORAK IN MY BRAIN!!!!!!

Whoa. Went a bit over the top there...

It's ok, though. I don't care hw many decks people make. Just as long as thery credit me for being the first :-).

Happy card-gaming, peeps!


PS. Eck, blogger has decided that it doesn't want anything after I went mad to be normal sized font. Typical. I should complain.

Monday, 14 May 2007

The 017713 Project, plus Dvorak

Anyone who has read about the improv group Improv Everywhere will know that they are very clever and funny. I admire what they have done very much.

Before I knew about them, me and my friends at school did this thing - we stood on either side of the archways to the quad, in line, and whenever someone walked past, we would do the wavy arms thing ~;~ and say 'whoooooo' like a ghost. Amazingly funny.

So today, we decided to do another one. Me and a couple of friends that took part in The Ghost, as we call it, planned it: two of us would stand just around the corner of the arch and the other would stand nonchalantly and rub his nose when someone was coming. Our job was to jump out and shout random words, or a stream of gibberish at that person. Again, Amazingly funny. This was called The Sneeze, I think.

We tested out a new one as well, called The Entrance, in which we would stand, one on either side of the arch and one in the middle, and would say 'Welcome to the Quad,' to anyone walking into the quad (we were going to add 'We hope you enjoy your stay,' but couldn't say it fast enough) and to anyone walking the other way - 'Thankyou for visiting!' Needless to say we got some funny looks, but that's all part of the fun!

We decided to give this thing, these games, a name. We decided to name it after a quote from when we were playing a improvisation game - 'Your computer is a malfunction box'. Don't ask. Just don't.

We were going to call it Operation: Malfunction Box, but a) It was too long, and b) It wasn't cool and snappy enough. So I experimentally shortened it to O:MB, decided that this was hard to make a logo for, and played around with a few other things, before finally settling on The 017713 Project, or possibly The 017713 Experiment. The 0 is O:, the 177 was the M and the 13 was the B.

I intend to do a few more, perhaps expand them to be more like Improv Everywhere's stuff. And I might get Tom Forde to help me (his sleepover was great, by the way! We spent the whole time playing games, mostly Bomberman).

On another note, I just found a new card game, called Dvorak. You make your own cards, so naturally, I set about doing a Heroes deck. Stay tuned for more info, 'cause I gotta go now.

\(^.^)/ -=Yatta!=-


Ps. 2 episodes of Heroes tomorrow - I know they are today in America, but I get them the day after :(

Pps. Also, I passed my grade 3 piano with merit - got this news ages ago, but couldn't be bothered to post about it.

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Awwww, Sylar killed his poor momma...

Well, of every episode of Heroes is awesome - fact. Five Years Gone was the most awesome, and Homecoming was cool, but this one came pretty close - especially the end!

Yup, that's our Peter going atomic! Will Claire shoot him or not? What will happen?

Yup, that next picture is Gabriel Gray (Sylar) showing his mum his powers. Cute, eh? For some reason I prefer Gabriel to Sylar. Obviously later on he killed his mom (by accident). That was very sad - I had a lump in my throat at that point :( .

And Mohinder helped Molly Walker. That's cool, now she won't die, and she'll be able to fully utilise her power. Wonder what else she can do other than act as a human tracker device.

Oh wait. That's bad. Bennet, Sprague and Parkman said that they were going to get rid of the thing that could track them. Don't kill the kid! But they're all caught up in the 'splody Peter thing aren't they? So will they continue their misson? Wait... if they do that, then all Peter has to do is thing about cheese, or cows, or big dancing pandas, do stop the bomb!

I'm confused. Either a load of people die, or the cute girl dies. I dunno. [-,-]

Eck, I seem to be bolding a lot.

Aaaaah, Just remembered about Micah, the technopath (how awesome is the name of that power? And the power is pretty cool as well). Does he die in the bomb, or do DL and Niki/Jessica save him?

Also, we found out that Candice's power is illusions and hallucinations, not shapeshifting. >:( That was the power of one of my characters that I had planned for a fanfic... *scowls at Candice*

Yeah, so much to talk about, so much to be excited about (double episode finale next week? OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!), so much time to annoy other people by chatting endlessly about Heroes!


Ps. Thanks to for those pictures. They should have got a good headshot of Griel, and a picture of Peters even more radioactive hands, though.

Sunday, 6 May 2007

Eledees, L.E.D.s, geddit?

Ok, first I'd like to say hat whoever changed the name from Elebits to Eledees is stupid. I prefered Elebits. But that's just me.

Well, I bought Eledees yesterday, it being the only Wii game out that I want until August, and it's pretty good. Let's see...

Graphics: The graphics aren't that bad - they're pretty realistic and you know what object you're holding. I give this a 7.7 - Nothing special but nothing bad.

The sound is the same - OK. The Eledees sound cute, the laser sounds like a laser, objects all pretty much sound the same, apart from the odd metal pan or glass bottle. This earns an 7.3 - Again, not very ear-catching.

The music is quite good, they fit with the levels well and aren't too intrusive on your gameplay. They aren't very memorable, but then again, it doesn't really matter in a game like this. 8.7 - Not bad - nothing to complain about really.

Ah, this is where it gets interesting! A physics-based game in which you throw objects around? I like the idea, and it certainly comes together well in-game. Moving around the house, and eventually leaving it altogether, you get a good range of settings. Also, certain stages have you trying not to break anything, trying to be quiet, or trying not to break anything in anti-gravity! This is the most interesting aspect, and makes up for the slight dips in the quality of the other categories. The only problem I may have is that if repeating the same objective over and over again, just in different places with higher Watts needed, becomes boring and repetitive, I may never play this game again, and for £40, that would be unforgivable. However, it's still fun at the moment (we'll have to see whether it stays that way) - this gets a respectable, nay, impressive 9.3 - Innovative and fun, if a little repetitive.

Is it just me or is being able to easily stand a perfume bottle on its top (considering it is much thinner than the body) a problem with game physics? Perhaps a cube when there should have been a bottle shape? And also, the menus on this game are quite hard to use without an extremely steady hand - I have clicked Retry instead of Menu quite a few times!

Overall, this is an innovative and fun game all round, although the sound and graphics aren't as impressive as could be - try this game if you can!

Well, that took me ages. Time to get around to practising my Double Bass... *rolls eyes*


Ps. I'm going for a sleepover at Tom Forde's house next weekend - watch this space for news.

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Future (>.<) is dead, Future Peter is (*\*)

If you haven't got any idea what I'm talking about, then you obviously don't watch Heroes, the best TV show ever. Or maybe you just can't read my emoticons (>.<), which is probably more likely.

I'm on about Heroes, which is, as I've said, the best TV show out there. And this episode was probably just the best. Uberawesomeness radiated out of it like Ted's radiation when he's hurt. Lol, you won't get that if you don't watch it.

Five Years Gone, set five years in the future, focusing on Hiro Nakamura, the teleporting, timetravelling Japanese person. When he meets Future Hiro, and eventually Future Peter (who has a huge scar, hence the emoticon), they decide to try and save the past.

Check it out, it's uberawesome.


Monday, 30 April 2007


Yeah, so theres not much to say about lately, either that or I'm just lazy. Ehh, probably just lazy.

This is just a post to announce that I'm now a member of, the social bookmarking thing. Check it out, I'm user danieljames. And that's pretty much all today.

Oh yes, today me and my friends at school played the Irish Drinking Song game from Whose Line is it Anyway? and it was really fun. Confusing at first, but fun. Youtube it if you haven't a clue what I'm on about.

Oooooooh, eide-eide-eide-eide-eide-eide-ay!


Tuesday, 24 April 2007

A minute of silence for Isaac, please.

So I haven't posted in a while. So what.

Sorry about that, though, I kept putting it off. This'll turn into my other blog which wasn't updated for 2 months if I'm not careful.

Anyway, about the title. Simple - HEROES! After the really really really long break (or so it seemed to me), we finally got the new episode. I won't spoil it, but let's just say I'm really sad right now ***looks at title***. Really sad.

Eck. It's put me in a bad mood now, I'll be like this all week. My friends better watch out!

A minute of silence please...



Tuesday, 17 April 2007

I think that it was me, at the Albion ground, with a prize I didn't want..

No offence to people who like football (like Neil), but I don't at all. I don't like most sports. And football is right up there at the top of the list of sports I don't like. Even higher than Rugby. And that's saying a lot.

However, I don't mind quizzes, and when I got the chance to go to one with Neil, I though 'Might as well!' Me and Neil always have a good laugh. It was at the Albion ground, which was ok with me. It's just a quiz. So I go, and it's ok. Few rounds about sport, especially Albion, so I took a backseat in those.

The funny thing is that me and Neil were talking before the quiz about the likelyhood of there being a Guitar Hero song in one of the 3 music rounds. We decided it was none.

Then came the first music round, and what should one of the songs be? You Really Got Me. From Guitar Hero. Me and Neil looked at each other as soon as the song started, and laughed our heads off. What are the chances?

The second interesting thing that happened was that we had a Children's quiz. Me and four other, older, boys won this, and although the prize was only meant for 2 people, they decided to give it to all four of us. I wondered vaguely what it was, not really thinking about where I was.

It was a pass for a football training thing. I can't remember what the man said now. Typical, though. I win something and it's something I hate. I still laughed, though. I probably wouldn't have used whatever they gave me.

In the end I gave it to Neil. Put his name and phone number on the paper. 'Cause he likes football. But it didn't matter in the end. I couldn't be bothered that I didn't get my prize.

We also won an Albion signed football on the raffle. We decided to give it to Neil's mom, the only Albion fan on our table.


On the other hand, I'm getting along well with Melee. Well, reasonably well, for a beginner. I'm actually not very good. But shhh.

Well, it's a warm day. Better go and make the most of it, this being England an' all...


Thursday, 12 April 2007

Emo Bangs, and Gamecube Games

My friend Tom Forde had a picture of him with what looked like an emo bang as his Windows Live messenger display pic the other day, and it made me realise that although I don't really like the music, and I don't mind the fashion, I actually quite like the hairstyles, what with the hair covering the right side of the face. It looks... well, I don't know how to describe it. It's cool.

He came over today and lent me the Gamecube game Super Smash Bros. Melee. What with Brawl coming out soon, I figured I'd have a go. I'm not good at it though - don't expext me to fully complete it or anything. But it's still a fun game - I'll have fun with it. Now to go out and get a Gamecube memory card and controller, lol.

Keep checking here.


Saturday, 7 April 2007

Dragonforce and Discworld

As Neil said he would, he sent me the Dragonforce song - to quote my brother "It sounds like someone throwing a guitar down some stairs". However, it's still an awesome song! Dragonforce have loads of other songs. I only have 2.

I'll have to get Neil to send them to me...

On another note, I tried the Discworld Mud again last night (google it). Took me ages to find the womble, but now I'm finally in the open, In Ankh-Morpork. Hopefully I might make something of my existence and become a wizard. Learn some spells.

Discworld is awesome and so is the MUD.

That's all for now!


Wednesday, 4 April 2007

...2 or 3 things to say...

Hi Dan, cant wait to meet Kaia! Anyway...onto the 2nd thing. I have found a new band, (well, theyre not ACTUALLY new, but ive only just found out about them). They are called Dragonforce. They play kinda rock/heavy metal music. You would like them Dan because the main instrument is Guitar. There is 5 or 6 band members, one plays drums and the others are guitarists i think. Their best song is Fury Of The Storm. Ill send you it sometime.

Sunday, 1 April 2007

The puppy is here!

As I said yesterday, the puppy - Kaia - is finally here. She arrived as soon as I was leaving the house for the cinema - terrible timing! However, when I got back she was still here. Not surprising, really... For more information visit my sister's blog at Puppies really are lovely!

I'm off to play with her again now.


Ello pepole. I bet you cant read this. Then again neither can I. Oh well.

Saturday, 31 March 2007

Kaia the Puppy, and New Songs

So, today is Saturday 31st March. And today I get a puppy! It is a Large Munsterlander, a quite obscure breed. It comes back a bit later - I can't wait.

On another note, after buying all of the bonus songs on Guitar Hero 2 the other day, I've found 3 more awesome songs to add to my list. Red Lottery by Megasus, a slow, distorted, strange song, X-Stream by Voivod, an addictive song that's hard to describe, and Arterial Black by Drist, another just awesome song. If you can, get them - you won't regret it.


Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Phew! Thank goodness that's over!

So, as you can see, I got him to post, finally. Man, that took ages. I'm tired now.


PS. TROGDOR!!!!!!!, TROGDOR!!!!!!!!

hello people

Hi everybody, i'm not Dr. Nick! But i AM Neil! Anyway...Dan forced me join this blog, and it took AGES. So it better be worth it.

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

A new start (until I get my proper blog back...)

Hi! This blog is the Blogger version of my Ramdj Blog, previously in Wordpress. Unfortunately I forgot my password. Duh! Basically, it's just a place to ramble on about nothing that no-one's ever going to read, and a place to store my stuff.
